Helps adult learning organizations advance education with technology.
Before we meet Ron and see how this Feature impacted his life, take a second to consider:
what DOES Lifelong Learning mean to you?
Ron has been working for EZ Breezy Landscaping for a few years.
Things were going fine...
...but he hadn’t moved up in the company.
And he could see that he wasn’t going to get that promotion to supervisor he wanted...
...unless he did something to make it happen.
How can I demonstrate my potential?
What new skills do I need?
Ron decided to pay more attention to how their clients' plants were doing.
These hostas can’t take the amount of sun they’ll get where you’ve planted them - they need partial sun at most.
I’m sorry, I didn’t realize that.
I’m sorry. We’ll move them to a shadier spot, and I’ll review with the team how much sun all of the other plantings need.
Well, it’s a problem! I don't want these new plants drying up from too much sun!
Good, that will be helpful. Let’s look at which other plants to watch out for.
Ron decided that to make himself more valuable to the team, he would NEED TO learn more about horticulture and the landscaping business.
I need to know more about the plants we use.
And working with customers.
Ron searched for resources online. He had to sift through sites for hobbyists.

No, I’m not a Sunday gardener…

...and I don’t need the “Ultimate Hose"!
Ron eventually found a low-cost online gardening and landscaping course he could take.

Cool, this next section covers plant selection and hardiness zones.
He also found a plant identification app he could use in the field.
Hey, Ron, can you check this plant with your app?
Ron’s manager noticed.
These are creeping moss phlox. They’re actually a native plant here, and prefer drier soil, so check them every three days, and water if they are really dry.
The company received better reviews about Ron’s team.
How’s it going?
They’re doing a great job. Ron’s been a big help - I can tell that he’s really upped his knowledge about plants!
Ron, we’d like you to move up to shift manager.
That’s great news. Thanks!
Can you tell me more about what you’ll expect from me?
He was able to use his new skills on his own garden, too.
Before we go on…
How important do you think Lifelong Learner skills are to being successful in life and work?
Ron drew on Lifelong Learning skills to build his value and expand his opportunities.
The value of skills like these has inspired each of the five Features in the Profile of the Lifelong Learner.
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