People develop skills in many different ways:
At school,
At work,
In the military,
Through volunteering,
And self-directed learning.
All of these experiences shape our abilities.
But when it comes to applying for a job…
Have you ever applied for a job and found it hard to communicate the different knowledge and skills you have?
A Little
Not Really
What kinds of skills do YOU have that you wish employers knew about?
Choose a few.
Digital Skills
Customer Service
How might your career change if there was a way to show employers every skill you have, no matter where or how you learned it?
The challenge is…
Traditional resumes don't always capture the full picture.
Isabella Lopez
Many valuable, real-world skills we have aren’t easy to share when we apply for a job.
Today, new digital tools offer better ways of representing skills, making them more visible to employers.
Digital Credentials
Digital Credentials are records that show you’ve learned specific skills,
Credentials can be earned through courses, workshops, or real-world experience.
They can be much more detailed than what's usually listed on a resume.
They are proof of the skills you have as demonstrated through practical assessments, projects, or tests.
These credentials can cover...
...a wide range of skills.
You can securely store your credentials in a digital wallet, ready to be shared with employers on a job application, offering a more detailed view of your skills and abilities than a traditional resume.